Odisha Teachers Eligibility Test 2014 Admit card download at http://www.bseodisha.nic.in. OTET 2014 Admit Card. Orissa TET 2014 Admit Card. Odisha TET Admit Card 2014 download Now.
Instructions :
1. The duration of the test in each paper shall be two hours & thirty minutes.
2. All questions shall be of multiple choice category carrying one mark with four alternatives; out of which the candidates are required to find out one correct answer.
3. The candidates shall record the answers on OMR Sheet by darkening the circles completely with Blue/ Black ball point pen only.
4. The question papers in non-language subjects shall be in Odia and English.
5. The candidates have to choose any one of the following language for language-I, in both paper; i.e. Odia, Hindi, Telugu, Urdu and Bengali.
6. Language-II shall be English for all candidates in both the papers.
7. Candidates applying for Paper-II shall have to choose either Mathematics and Science or Social Studies as one the Optional Subject.
8. There shall be no negative marks.
9. The minimum pass mark in each paper is 60%. A person securing 60% or more in a paper shall be considered OTET Pass. In case of SC, ST, PH, OBC/ SEBC candidate, the minimum pass mark shall be 50%.
10. There shall be no restriction on the number of attempts a person can make for acquiring OTET qualifying certificate. A person who has qualified in OTET may also appear again for improving score.
11. The validity period of OTET qualifying certificate / mark sheet shall be a period of 7(seven) years from the date of OTET Exam.
12. Successful candidates shall be awarded with an OTET Certificate by Board of Secondary Education, Odisha. Eligibility mentioned at para (i) to (iv)/ above, shall be verified by the recruiting agency/ appropriate authorities at the time of recruitment.
Orissa Board of Secondary Education, Bhubaneswar, Invited Online Application form for Odisha Teachers Eligibility Test 2014 (OTET 2014) from January 3rd, to January 17th, 2014. OTET 2014 prescribed OMR form are invited from the eligible candidates intending to take the OTET-2014 as per the terms and conditions. The application forms can be obtained from the designated Nodal centres against cash payment of Rs. 350/- only for each paper. The last date of issue and submission of the application form is January 17th, 2014.
Instructions :
1. The duration of the test in each paper shall be two hours & thirty minutes.
2. All questions shall be of multiple choice category carrying one mark with four alternatives; out of which the candidates are required to find out one correct answer.
3. The candidates shall record the answers on OMR Sheet by darkening the circles completely with Blue/ Black ball point pen only.
4. The question papers in non-language subjects shall be in Odia and English.
5. The candidates have to choose any one of the following language for language-I, in both paper; i.e. Odia, Hindi, Telugu, Urdu and Bengali.
6. Language-II shall be English for all candidates in both the papers.
7. Candidates applying for Paper-II shall have to choose either Mathematics and Science or Social Studies as one the Optional Subject.
8. There shall be no negative marks.
9. The minimum pass mark in each paper is 60%. A person securing 60% or more in a paper shall be considered OTET Pass. In case of SC, ST, PH, OBC/ SEBC candidate, the minimum pass mark shall be 50%.
10. There shall be no restriction on the number of attempts a person can make for acquiring OTET qualifying certificate. A person who has qualified in OTET may also appear again for improving score.
11. The validity period of OTET qualifying certificate / mark sheet shall be a period of 7(seven) years from the date of OTET Exam.
12. Successful candidates shall be awarded with an OTET Certificate by Board of Secondary Education, Odisha. Eligibility mentioned at para (i) to (iv)/ above, shall be verified by the recruiting agency/ appropriate authorities at the time of recruitment.
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