UPSC IES ISS Examination 2014 Notification Answer Key Result

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Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) issued exam notification of Indian Economic Service (IES) / Indian Statistical Service (ISS) Examination, 2014. A combined competitive examination for recruitment to Junior Time Scale of the Services. Eligible candidates are required to apply online on or before 10th March 2014.


Name of the Service & Total Vacancies
Indian Economic Service (IES)  : 15

Indian Statistical Service (ISS)  :  23

Age Limit: 21 to 30 Years as on 1st August 2014 (i.e. he/she must have been born not earlier than 2nd August, 1984 and not later than 1 st August, 1993)

Minimum Educational Qualifications:

(a) A candidate for the Indian Economic Service must have obtained a post Graduate Degree in Economics/Applied Economics/ Business Economics/ Econometrics from a University incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other educational Institutes established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as University under Section 3 of the University Grants commission Act, 1956 or a Foreign University approved by the Central Government from time to time. 

(b) A candidate for the Indian Statistical Service must have obtained a Bechelor's Degree with Statistics/Mathematical Statistics/Applied Statistics as one of the subject or a Master's degree in Statistics/Mathematical Statistics/ Applied Statistics from a University incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other Educational Institutes estab¬lished by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as University under Section 3 of the University Grants commission Act, 1956 or a Foreign University approved by the Central government from time to time.

Selection Process:

Part I -> Written examination carrying a maximum of 1000 marks.
Part II -> Viva voce of such candidates as may be called by the Commission, carrying a maximum of 200 marks.

Exam Details: UPSC commencing from 24th May, 2014 in accordance with the Rules published by the Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation in the Gazette of India dated the 8th February, 2014. The examination will be held at the following centres: Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Allahabad, Jammu, Bangalore, Kolkata, Bhopal, Lucknow, Chandigarh, Mumbai, Chennai, Patna, Cuttack, Shillong, Delhi, Shimla, Dispur, Thiruvananthapuram, Hyderabad.

Application Fee: Candidates are required to pay a fee of Rs.200/- either by depositing the money in any Branch of SBI by cash, or by using net banking facility of SBI, State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur/ State Bank of Hyderabad/State Bank of Mysore/ State Bank of Patiala/State Bank of Travancore or by using Visa/Master Credit/Debit Card. Female/SC/STV PH candidates are exempted from payment of fee.

How To Apply: Candidates are required to apply Online through ORA : 

ISSIndian Statistical Service Examination2014.04-2014/IES/ISS.08-02-201410-03-2014Click HereClick Here

IESIndian Economic Service Examination201404/2014-IES/ISS08-02-201410-03-2014Click HereClick Here
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